Welcome to Novellas by Sharon, Inc., a Christian fiction book company. I am thrilled you stopped by to check us out. My series, "Beauty For Ashes", is available on Amazon. You can purchase, both, the paperback and the kindle versions of , "Hidden Secrets", "Darkest Before Dawn", "By Any Means", and "Triumph". Click the button below or go to Amazon and purchase them today. It is my hope that they bless you. God will exchange the ashes of your life for beauty. It is on the way.
The first installment of the Beauty for Ashes tetralogy, “Hidden Secrets”, chronicles the childhood and young adult life of narrator and protagonist Ruth Samuelsson. Ruth spent the first twelve years of her life in a physically and emotionally abusive household. On her twelfth birthday, a catastrophic event occurred that changed the entire course of her life and stripped her of her faith. Even though she can’t remember the details of that night, the “who done it” continuously plays in her head. Ruth is determined to figure out the particulars of what happened that night.
Ruth narrates, ”Hidden Secrets”, as a woman who is recounting the ups and downs and ins and outs of her life. She starts with details of her childhood and moves us through her college years. Along the way the reader meets three additional main characters that will carry throughout the series, Tony and Jessica Baker, and Dr. Fannie Meyers. The novella has mystery, intrigue, and there is also a love story. It crescendos into a cliffhanger, enticing the reader to book two, “Darkest Before Dawn.”
The second installment of the Beauty for Ashes tetralogy, “Darkest Before Dawn”, relates the story of protagonists Priscilla Rhodes, a thirteen year-old and Dr. Fannie Meyers, a psychiatrist. Priscilla is an orphan who is ordered by the court to live with a relative. Once she is taken into the relative’s home, Priscilla becomes a victim of unfortunate circumstances, which have a profound affect on her life. Dr. Fannie Meyers is a young psychiatrist making her mark in the medical industry. She is assigned to work through Priscilla’s problems with her. In addition to the characters presented in the first book and Priscilla, “Darkest Before Dawn,” introduces and/ or tells the stories of Dr. Naomi Allen, Mark and Connie Baker, Phil Heinz, Trinity Pace, and Joe Hollins.
In the third installment, “By Any Means”, each character continues to face major situations and crises. As they realize many of their issues stem from generational curses and demonic attacks from our enemy, Satan, they form strategic plans to combat the schemes that are forged by him. They fight with the weapons God has provided. They fight…by any means necessary.
In the fourth and final book, “Triumph”, each character confronts the past in a once and for all show down. They find love, life, and forgiveness, finally realizing their beauty for ashes.
Ruth narrates, ”Hidden Secrets”, as a woman who is recounting the ups and downs and ins and outs of her life. She starts with details of her childhood and moves us through her college years. Along the way the reader meets three additional main characters that will carry throughout the series, Tony and Jessica Baker, and Dr. Fannie Meyers. The novella has mystery, intrigue, and there is also a love story. It crescendos into a cliffhanger, enticing the reader to book two, “Darkest Before Dawn.”
The second installment of the Beauty for Ashes tetralogy, “Darkest Before Dawn”, relates the story of protagonists Priscilla Rhodes, a thirteen year-old and Dr. Fannie Meyers, a psychiatrist. Priscilla is an orphan who is ordered by the court to live with a relative. Once she is taken into the relative’s home, Priscilla becomes a victim of unfortunate circumstances, which have a profound affect on her life. Dr. Fannie Meyers is a young psychiatrist making her mark in the medical industry. She is assigned to work through Priscilla’s problems with her. In addition to the characters presented in the first book and Priscilla, “Darkest Before Dawn,” introduces and/ or tells the stories of Dr. Naomi Allen, Mark and Connie Baker, Phil Heinz, Trinity Pace, and Joe Hollins.
In the third installment, “By Any Means”, each character continues to face major situations and crises. As they realize many of their issues stem from generational curses and demonic attacks from our enemy, Satan, they form strategic plans to combat the schemes that are forged by him. They fight with the weapons God has provided. They fight…by any means necessary.
In the fourth and final book, “Triumph”, each character confronts the past in a once and for all show down. They find love, life, and forgiveness, finally realizing their beauty for ashes.

Sharon is a native Washingtonian and ordained Elder of the gospel in the Washington D.C. area. She is the CEO of Novellas By Sharon, Inc. a for-profit organization, which produces Christian Fiction, and founder and director of non-profit, Prissy Girlz, Inc. dedicated to empowering women who have experienced life altering events regain control of their lives. Sharon has a Bachelor of Science degree in business and is a published poet. She is involved in prison ministry and has ministered to women in detention centers, as well as, half way houses for the last twenty years. While ministering in a detention center in the Washington area, she developed a life skills curriculum geared towards equipping and empowering young girls. Sharon has dedicated her life to encouraging people and advancing the Kingdom of God. Her deep commitment to women’s issues is the catalyst for her novellas, Hidden Secrets, Darkest Before Dawn, By Any Means, and Triumph from the Beauty for Ashes saga. The Beauty for Ashes tetralogy is simply stated about life. It highlights the ups and downs we all experience in the course of living. It brings to light the power that God has to take the ashes of our lives and turn them to beauty. Mystery, intrigue, and romance enmesh to create what readers describe as absolutely amazing.
As the author of The Beauty for Ashes Saga, a Christian fiction novellas' series, Sharon created, Prissy Girls, an organization in book II, "Darkest Before Dawn," dedicated to helping women with various issues. The concept was birthed from one of the characters, Priscilla (Prissy) Roads, who was imprisoned and used as a sex slave. There are several women in the series. Each with her own set of issues she is endeavoring to overcome, just like real life. Prissy Girlz (changed from 's' to 'z') is an organization dedicated to helping women of all backgrounds become whole.
Sharon is licensed by Mount Calvary Holy Church of America, Inc. and faithfully serves her local church of Twenty-five years, Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church, where the pastors are Archbishop Alfred A. Owens Jr., DMin and Evangelist Susie C. Owens, PhD. She is happily married to Elder William H. Polk, Jr.